Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Music Memories

Ever listened to a song and thought of that special someone? Well as of late, I've started listening to music on my way back home. And I've realized that every song I listen to reminds me of someone in my life.

There's a song that was supposed to be played when I entered the house on that special day.

There's a song that takes me back to my college days and reminds me of every small thing we did.

There's a song that reminds me of all my close friends who aren't geographically close to me anymore.

There's a song that reminds me of that perfect person for me (which I plan to play for my wedding)

There's a song that reminds me of that special person in my life.

There's a song that reminds me of a friend who told me that the song in mention reminded her of her ex-boyfriend.

There's a song that reminds me of my prom.

There's a song that reminds me that I have the greatest friends in the world.

There's a song that gives me hope in a brighter future.

And then there's that dysfunctional song that reminds me of the times that seem so far away and the people who are yet so close.


Rishabh Sakhlecha said...

this one is very confusing had to read it 3 times before actually gettin it.

Rhea C Dhanbhoora said...

I totally agree :)

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