Monday, March 30, 2009


As a baby, your day merely consisted of waking up, crying (or screaming rather), eating, pooping, laughing and sleeping. If you’ve been around an infant for long enough, you would be able to figure out their routine. It remains the same for some months, with some instances of being sick interspersed in between.

As a child, when you grow up, your schedule seems to be less rigorous, mainly since school has entered our daily life, and the time reserved for going out and playing with friends is often screwed up by an overload of homework. This schedule just gets worse as you further yourself in school. Remember studying for your boards?

And then comes college! I believe, that for every day studies has taken a front seat in life, you are repaid with several times more “free time”. There is absolutely no fixed schedule - you don’t wake up at the same time every day (which could be because you don’t sleep at the same time), you don’t have lunch at the same time and early evenings are normally spent deciding how to spend the rest of the evening and night different from the previous day.

Post college and university, your life tends to decline back through the same phases. When you just enter the corporate world, work completely fills your days and you are left with very little free time. Days when you have a huge workload, leave you with very little time to yourself (similar to the days of senior school).

As you grow in the business, you tend to dump your work on your subordinates and you are left with a lot more free time (similar to the days when you first started school).

Then finally, when you retire, your life is back a regular cycle - waking up, eating, pooping, laughing, sleeping, etc. Your day doesn’t tend to change a lot, other than when distant relatives come to visit with grandchildren, or when you’re sick.

And that’s it. Our life cycle. Don’t frown, it’s gonna happen to you too!

A Tribute...

For knowing that I needed to be left alone instead of being comforted
Thank you

For traveling miles to see me when you were the only person who could brighten up my day
Thank you

For knowing I could accomplish anything, instead of just congratulating me when I did
Thank you

For telling me when I needed to improve, instead of just telling me I’m the best
Thank you

For falling in love with everything about me, instead of just loving my friendship
Thank you

For knowing when I needed your hugs even from across the miles
Thank you

For knowing me so well that you know exactly what advice I would give you
Thank you

For acknowledging and accepting me at my worst
Thank you

For understanding why I do certain things even when I don’t explain it
Thank you

For looking after me instead of just calling to see if I was fine
Thank you

For being that person I need in my everyday life
Thank you

And most of all, Thank you for being you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Facebook - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

What started off as an innocent poke, has now evolved into full fledged wars! From changes in the design to the gazillion odd applications to the countless new features to the most-useful-and-ever-blessed-ignore-all-requests button, Facebook has definitely evolved.

As much as Facebook activists believe that it helps you and connect and share with the people in your life, I do not feel it helps me connect with people anymore than Nokia does. There are people who I keep in touch with through my trustworthy Nokia handset, and those are the very same people I connect with on Facebook. Being on Facebook doesn’t ever make me want to just go to a school friend’s profile and poke her/message her. Seems hypocritical. “I would have probably not even thought about you had your status message not appeared on my home screen, but hello, how are you? Read you are doing your exams.” (sure, that could be seen positively too, but I choose not to).

And while on the topic, what is this need to constantly update your status message? People have messages saying that they have uploaded pictures of their birthday/some crazy party they went to the other night. I mean, isn’t that what the news feeds are for?

So and So: I have uploaded those crazy party pictures…check them out! followed by So and So has added a new album “That crazy partay” a couple of lines down the page. Do I really care?

And since when have people started wearing their heart on their sleeves so often?

So and So is missing her baby and its only been 2 days!

Trust me, I know long distance relationships (or even trips your bf/gf take without you) can be hard and heart wrenching, but is that reason enough to publicly declare it to the world? Do the people really care? The only person I see ever commenting on such a comment is the other half themselves with “Baby, I’ll be back soon. Counting the days.”

Not everything is right with facebook (and the people who use it 24×7 for that matter), but I must admit - occasionally finding out that an old friend is now in a relationship he said he would never get into does give me a kick, definitely makes my day! Life doesn’t change with the added knowledge (or gossip rather), but it gives me something to laugh out loud about. And who can say that we don’t need that every once in a while?